UAT tests

To ensure your integration is complete and functioning properly, you should undertake User Acceptance Testing (UAT) prior to launching to the production environment. This process ensures a smooth transition to launching and is a vital first step to your retail media success.

It is best to provide your Technical Account Manager access to your staging/UAT environment for CitrusAd to verify the integration is complete for you.


Test cases must be performed per ad type(product ad, banner, etc), per placement(search, category, home, other) per platform (web, mobile, app).

Order reporting tests are only required for banner ads if you are intending on utilising sales metrics on banner ads.

#Test caseExpected outcomeActual outcomePass/failNotes
1Impression is fired successfully on page load1. The CitrusAd sponsored product is visible on the page

2. The CitrusAd impression endpoint (first-i) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response
2Click is reported successfully upon product tile click1. The CitrusAd sponsored product is visible on the page

2. The CitrusAd impression endpoint (first-i) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response

3. When the product is clicked, the CitrusAd click endpoint (second-c) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response
3Click is reported successfully upon product image click1. The CitrusAd sponsored product is visible on the page

2. The CitrusAd impression endpoint (first-i) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response

3. When the product image is clicked, the CitrusAd click endpoint (second-c) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response
4Click is reported successfully upon product “Add to cart” button is clicked (if applicable)1. The CitrusAd sponsored product is visible on the page

2. The CitrusAd impression endpoint (first-i) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response

3. When “Add to cart” is clicked, the CitrusAd click endpoint (second-c) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response
5Click is reported successfully upon right clicking the product tile1. The CitrusAd sponsored product is visible on the page

2. The CitrusAd impression endpoint (first-i) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response

3. When the product is right clicked, the CitrusAd click endpoint (second-c) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response
6Click is reported successfully upon right clicking the product image1. The CitrusAd sponsored product is visible on the page

2. The CitrusAd impression endpoint (first-i) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response

3. When the product image is right clicked, the CitrusAd click endpoint (second-c) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response
7Order is reported successfully for a single quantity order from the “Add to cart” button (Cnvs = 1, Sales = 1)1. The CitrusAd sponsored product is visible on the page

2. The CitrusAd impression endpoint (first-i) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response

3. When the “Add to cart” button is clicked, the CitrusAd click endpoint (second-c) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response

4. Purchase a single unit of the sponsored SKU

5. Verify in the CitrusAd UI that the exact SKU was purchased and a single conversion and one sale are recorded
8Order is reported successfully for a multi quantity order from the “Add to cart” button (Cnvs = 1, Sales = 4)1. The CitrusAd sponsored product is visible on the page

2. The CitrusAd impression endpoint (first-i) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response

3. When the “Add to cart” button is clicked, the CitrusAd click endpoint (second-c) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response

4. Purchase four units of the sponsored SKU

5. Verify in the CitrusAd UI that the exact SKU was purchased and a single conversion and four sales are recorded
9Order is reported successfully for a single quantity order from the product detail page (Cnvs = 1, Sales = 1)1. The CitrusAd sponsored product is visible on the page

2. The CitrusAd impression endpoint (first-i) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response

3. When the product is clicked, the CitrusAd click endpoint (second-c) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response

4. Purchase a single unit of the sponsored SKU

5. Verify in the CitrusAd UI that the exact SKU was purchased and a single conversion and one sale are recorded
10Order is reported successfully for a multi quantity order from the product detail page (Cnvs = 1, Sales = 4)1. The CitrusAd sponsored product is visible on the page

2. The CitrusAd impression endpoint (first-i) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response

3. When the product is clicked, the CitrusAd click endpoint (second-c) is called in the browser, and returns a 200 response

4. Purchase four units of the sponsored SKU

5. Verify in the CitrusAd UI that the exact SKU was purchased and a single conversion and four sales are recorded