Syncing order data via file

CitrusAd only supports TSV format for order data. The table below describes the names of columns in a TSV file and their descriptions.


When syncing via TSV, order_id must be provided in sequential order, ensuring that if multiple products are purchased, they are attributed to the same order_Id at the same time.

If order_id’s are fragmented, subsequent products in the order will not be attributed.

Column names and descriptions for customer data in TSV files

Column nameRequired/optionalData typeDescription
order_idRequiredTextThis is the identifier of the order in the retailer's system.

MUST be ordered by orderId.
order_dateRequiredTextThis is the date or the date and time of the order. This must be in the format of ISO-8601 standard and must be a precise, full timestamp, e.g. 2019-03-14T15:06:17+10:00
Must be in either timezone adjusted (+10:00 for UTC+10), or UTC time.
product_codeRequiredTextThis is the code to identify the product in the order.
quantityRequiredNumberThis is the quantity of the product in the order.

This MUST be an integer number.
regular_unit_priceOptionalNumberThis is regular unit price of the product in the order.

If provided, it MUST be a number.
price_with_discountsRequiredNumberThis is the total price of the products with discounts. It MUST be a number, e.g. if an order item contains 3 items with a price of 2.00, the value will be 6.
customer_idOptionalTextThis is the identifier of the customer of the order.
session_idRequired.TextThis is a generated id you control that identifies a user's session. CitrusAd can use this for purchase attribution.
seller_idOptionalTextThe unique Id of the seller. Only required if onboarding marketplace sellers. Can be left blank for non marketplace products.

Providing this when not onboarding marketplace suppliers can lead to attribution issues.

There are additional requirements to integrate seller_ids, please refer to Marketplace sellerId for more information.

An example of a TSV file for customers can be seen in the table below. Similar to product data and customer data, the raw data is a text file, but it is represented in a table so we can read it easily.



If you're unsure about the terms outlined in this section, please visit the reference page.