
You can find more technical information below on the Requests and Responses involved when serving Brand Pages.


curl --location --request GET '${URL}/api/v1/brand-page:static?url=${url}&retailer=${retailer}'
--header 'Authorization: Basic ${apiKey}

urlThe url the customer is on that has been sanitised from any query parameters.
retailerThis is the unique ID of the brand page. This is generated as a brand page is published/saved by an advertiser.
Send in lowercase in your request.
apiKeyYour API key. This is specific to the brand pages product and can be found in the portal.ak_iscws3uSsQGdCvuBKkBaA


idThe unique ID of the serve. This should be stored for debugging purposes.26f6117c-147b-4447-86aa-992e9ddb0daa
brandPageIdThis is the unique ID of the brand page. This is generated as a brand page is published/saved by an advertiser.262cb376-63dd-4e0c-8a6a-a7fd04f2ae82
brandPageTemplateIdThis is the specific ID for the template that has been used to generate the brand page, this could be used by a retailer to determine how to render the content (such as if it's a basic/standard/premium brand page).8e0d8836-aa23-42e5-84e1-535c7c9ced33
data.[0].idThe nested ID within each segment is the segment ID that is automatically generated when a segment is created - this ID is unique to the segment but may be used across multiple brand pages and brand page templates.1b5a2521-9e79-4b95-99b0-4deffc586d81
data.[0].nameThis ID is defined by the retailer and added when CitrusAd creates a specific segment. It will allow a retailer to map the data returned to the place it belongs on the page in a way that makes sense to the retailer. This can be used if a retailer has multiple banners as they can differentiate between them in the response e.g. topbanner, middlebanner, bottombanner and so on.headingText
data.[0].productSelection.catalogIdThe unique catalogId of the product. This will be the same catalogId as in the core platform.5234abe0-40cd-481f-9d99-596c88ede340
data.[0].productSelection.positionThe position of the product on the page. This needs to be respected as advertisers are able to select which products appear in order on the page.1
data.[0].productSelection.productCodeThe unique product code in the catalog provided by the retailer. The same as gtin in the /v1/ads response.67890-987SKUABC
data.[0].productSelection.sellerIdThe unique marketplace sellerID of the product. Used when marketplace sellers are onboarded to the platform. Can be ignored for non marketplace retailers.678a9-3-2d4c54-q


sessionIdThe unique ID of the customer's session.2edc5f-147b-4447-ss-992e9ddb0daa
brandPageIdThis is the unique ID of the brand page. This is generated as a brand page is published/saved by an advertiser.262cb376-63dd-4e0c-8a6a-a7fd04f2ae82
serveIdThis is a unique identifier of the brand page served. This assists in debugging/troubleshooting.8e0d8836-aa23-42e5-84e1-535c7c9ced33
teamNameYour retailer team name in the brand pages platform.groceryville
events.eventTypeUsed to indicate if an impression, click, or add to cart action has occured on a segment/product. Must be in the format IMPRESSION/CLICK/ADD_TO_CARTADD_TO_CART
events.widgetIdUsed to specify which segment has had an event occur.5234abe0-40cd-481f-9d99-596c88ede340
events.productCodeUsed to specify which product has had an event occur. Must match the exact same product in the platform.123-456